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陳國治就環球郵報近期報道發表聲明 北美都市脉搏 2024-10-09


在過去一週,《環球郵報》(The Globe and Mail)繼續對我進行毫無根據的指控、含沙射影和謊言攻擊,一如其過去多年的做法。不公正、不負責任的報道,不僅給我帶來了難以想象的傷害,還嚴重影響了我的家人和朋友。


CSIS滲透到我作為普通公民的生活(並在此過程中玷污了我家的神聖性),撇開CSIS對我和我家人的公然侵犯不談,一個沒有得到解答或被忽視的明顯問題是:CSIS十四年監控活動的結果是什麼。 他們發現了什麼? 我做錯了什麼? 奇怪的是,這些問題的明確答案至今未得到解決,也未在任何報告中提及。

通過所有這些無數的“調查”、數百篇新聞報道、數百萬次的社交媒體傳播,什麼都 沒有找到 ,也 沒有拿出一絲證據 表明我做了任何不當的事情。 此外,去年夏天,我在霍格委員會自願前往、宣誓作證,並接受了委員會律師、我的政治對手以及 CSIS 本身的交叉盤問,這些都沒有被報導。

相反,最近的文章渲染了CSIS 員工試圖對我進行竊聽、以及他們在獲得竊聽搜查令時所曾經遇到的挑戰,他們獲取搜查令的理由是認為我策動了免除前國會議員譚耕(Geng Tan)、以支持國會議員董晗鵬(Han Dong)作為Don Valley North選區自由黨候選人,而這似乎可以用來證明並反復傳誦某種推理故事,給人以印象我曾經/現在是中國政府的“代理人”。

然而正如去年戴維·約翰斯頓(David Johnston)閣下的報告所闡明、以及今年早些時候多位政府官員的證詞中所證實的那樣,人們早已知道的是:取消譚耕先生作為候選人的是聯邦自由黨, 沒有我的任何參與 。董晗鵬議員在證詞中證實了此事,我在證詞中也證實了此事。

CSIS如果有任何與譚耕先生有關的擔憂,他們幾年前就可以很容易地從政府或從我這裡得到直接的真相。 然而他們卻沒有這樣做,而是讓虛假證據堂而皇之擺上檯面以獲取竊聽,然後這個基於 CSIS腐敗(和惡意)的“洩密者”的竊聽故事出現在這篇瘋狂的文章中。

同樣令人痛心的是,CSIS 作為一個公立機構,允許其特工與有問題的人合謀,向公共領域炮製不可靠的洩露(且不斷洩露)“情報”,讓該機構淪為特殊利益圖謀和黨派鬥爭政治的工具。 由於沒有採取任何措施來阻止已被證實之謊言的傳播,而且儘管政府有指示,卻未能找到洩密者,CSIS 的能力也必須受到質疑。

歸根結底,我們所知道的是:一些(匿名的)CSIS 官員已經並在繼續違反法律,並且有許多實體(包括 環郵)知道並參與了這種犯罪行為。 這是真正的醜聞......為此,我呼籲政府啟動對 CSIS 的能力展開調查。 我呼籲適當的執法機構調查違反《資訊安全法》的行為,包括調查那些故意接受並使用非法獲取之資訊的人;並在法律允許的最大範圍內起訴所有此類實體。

The Globe and Mail this past week has continued its ongoing barrage of endless baseless accusations, innuendos and lies made against me as it has for many years.  The failure to report in a fair and responsible manner has not only hurt me in unimaginable ways, it has gravely impacted my family and friends.

In its most recent article, the Globe relies on still unidentified rogue CSIS “sources” for its story.  As demonstrated by the Globe’s own admission that the story is founded on a violation of federal Canadian law, this law breaking reporting is especially concerning given how the Globe has acquiesced to such activity by utilizing inaccurate, tainted, and of course, illegally obtained “intelligence”.  Such knowing participation in furtherance of these criminal acts has been exacerbated by the Globe’s selective reporting and outright failure to fairly and accurately report on the truth of the matter.

Leaving aside CSIS’s outright abuses committed against me and my family in its infiltration of my life as a private citizen (and defiling the sanctity of my home in the process), the obvious question that remains unanswered, or has simply been ignored, is the result of the 14 years of surveillance activities by CSIS.  What did they find?  What have I done wrong?  The clear answer to these questions, strangely have not been addressed, nor mentioned in any reporting.

With all of these countless “investigations”, hundreds of press reports, millions of social media circulations, NOTHING has been found and neither has ONE SHRED of evidence that I had done anything improper been produced.  Moreover, after I testified voluntarily and under oath at the Hogue Commission this past summer and opened myself up to cross-examination by Commission counsel, my political adversaries and CSIS itself, none of this was reported on either.

Rather, the recent article highlights CSIS employees who sought to wiretap me and the challenges they had to get a warrant, which was obtained on the basis that I engineered the removal of former MP Geng Tan, in favor of MP Han Dong as the Liberal candidate in Don Valley North, and that this somehow proved and perpetuated the narrative to give the impression that I was/am an “agent” of the Chinese government.

As has been known since the Report of the Right Honourable David Johnston last year – and confirmed by government officials in testimony earlier this year – Mr. Tan was removed by the Liberal party of Canada as a candidate without any involvement by me. MP Dong testified to this, and  I testified to this as well.

If there were any concerns relating to Mr. Tan, CSIS could have easily gotten the straight truth from the government or me years ago.  Instead, false evidence was filed to get a wiretap, and then this story of the wiretap based on the corrupted (and maliciousness) CSIS “leakers” shows up in this crazy article.

Just as painful is CSIS as an organization allowing itself to become a tool of special interest agendas and partisan politics by permitting its agents to conspire with compromised individuals to produce unreliable leaked (and continuously leaked) “intelligence” into the public sphere.  By not doing anything to stop the dissemination of proven lies, and also failing to find the leakers despite a government directive to do so, the competence of CSIS must too be called into question.

At the end of the day, what we know is this: some (anonymous) CSIS officials have and continue to break the law, and there are many actors (including the Globe) who are aware and have participated in this criminality.  This is the real scandal … and to this end, I would call on the government to start an inquiry into the competency of CSIS.  I would call on the appropriate law enforcement agencies to look into the breaches of the Security of Information Act , including those who have knowingly accepted and used illegally obtained information; and to prosecute all such entities to the full extent of the law.

